College Years & Beyond
Maren Prep classes provide academic instruction to teens and young adults with Down syndrome who have graduated from high school. The curriculum offers classes that continue to support academic, language, and social skills learning for this specific age group. In keeping with our Always Learning focus, The Maren Fund is excited to be expanding in this direction–helping young adults and parents prepare for adult life.
Our College Life program helps high school graduates continue to build their academic skills and independence through individual assignments and accountability. The curriculum includes math, reading and comprehension, social skills, and current events. It requires homework completion and active participation. Students meet twice weekly (Tuesdays and Thursdays) on the Missouri Baptist University campus.
College Life
Cost: $1500.00 a semester (1st Semester: Sept - Dec; 2nd Semester: Jan - May)
Cost includes large and small group meetings. Price includes materials, access to a Chromebook if needed, and individual support as needed.
Scholarships are available. Download the application form here.
If your child is interested in participating in College Life, please contact julie@marenfund.org to begin the application process.